I have been implementing a fixed-effects estimator in Python so I can
work with data that is too large to hold in memory. To make sure I
was calculating my coefficients and standard errors correctly I have
been comparing the calculations of my Python code to results from
Stata. This lead me to find a surprising inconsistency in Stata’s
calculation of standard errors. I illustrate the issue by comparing
standard errors computed by Stata’s xtreg fe
command to those
computed by the standard regress
command. To start, I use the first
hundred observations of the nlswork
. webuse nlswork, clear
(National Longitudinal Survey. Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
. keep if _n <= 100
(28434 observations deleted)
I then estimate a fixed-effects model using regress:
. regress ln_w age tenure i.idcode, vce(cluster idcode)
Linear regression Number of obs = 99
F( 1, 8) = .
Prob > F = .
R-squared = 0.5172
Root MSE = .26493
(Std. Err. adjusted for 9 clusters in idcode)
| Robust
ln_wage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
age | .0025964 .0159834 0.16 0.875 -.0342613 .0394541
tenure | .0356595 .0165 2.16 0.063 -.0023896 .0737086
idcode |
2 | -.4282753 .0207949 -20.60 0.000 -.4762285 -.3803222
3 | -.5313624 .0531705 -9.99 0.000 -.6539738 -.408751
4 | -.1054791 .0862957 -1.22 0.256 -.3044774 .0935192
5 | -.1976049 .0275788 -7.17 0.000 -.2612016 -.1340081
6 | -.4590234 .0484582 -9.47 0.000 -.5707681 -.3472787
7 | -.7201447 .0362701 -19.86 0.000 -.8037837 -.6365058
9 | -.2538001 .1237821 -2.05 0.074 -.5392421 .031642
10 | -.5417859 .1337093 -4.05 0.004 -.8501201 -.2334518
_cons | 1.922783 .4005497 4.80 0.001 .9991134 2.846452
For comparison, I estimate the same model using xtreg fe
. xtset idcode
panel variable: idcode (unbalanced)
. xtreg ln_w age tenure, fe vce(cluster idcode)
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 99
Group variable: idcode Number of groups = 9
R-sq: within = 0.2358 Obs per group: min = 3
between = 0.1373 avg = 11.0
overall = 0.1740 max = 15
F(2,8) = 14.98
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0963 Prob > F = 0.0020
(Std. Err. adjusted for 9 clusters in idcode)
| Robust
ln_wage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
age | .0025964 .0153029 0.17 0.869 -.0326922 .0378849
tenure | .0356595 .0157976 2.26 0.054 -.0007698 .0720888
_cons | 1.583834 .3793026 4.18 0.003 .7091607 2.458508
sigma_u | .23415096
sigma_e | .26492811
rho | .43856575 (fraction of variance due to u_i)
Notice that the coefficients on age and tenure match perfectly across
the two regressions, but the standard errors calculated by xtreg fe
are smaller. This is due to a difference in the degrees of freedom
adjustment used. regress
counts the fixed effects as coefficients
estimated, while xtreg fe
by default does not. As Kevin Goulding
clustered standard errors are generally computed by multiplying the
estimated asymptotic variance by (M / (M - 1)) ((N - 1) / (N - K)). M
is the number of individuals, N is the number of observations, and K
is the number of parameters estimated. The standard regress
correctly sets K = 12, xtreg fe
sets K = 3. Making the asymptotic
variance (99 - 12) / (99 - 3) = 0.90625 times the correct value.
To get the correct standard errors from xtreg fe
use the dfadj
. xtreg ln_w age tenure, fe vce(cluster idcode) dfadj
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 99
Group variable: idcode Number of groups = 9
R-sq: within = 0.2358 Obs per group: min = 3
between = 0.1373 avg = 11.0
overall = 0.1740 max = 15
F(2,8) = 13.73
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.0963 Prob > F = 0.0026
(Std. Err. adjusted for 9 clusters in idcode)
| Robust
ln_wage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
age | .0025964 .0159834 0.16 0.875 -.0342613 .0394541
tenure | .0356595 .0165 2.16 0.063 -.0023896 .0737086
_cons | 1.583834 .3961687 4.00 0.004 .6702675 2.497401
sigma_u | .23415096
sigma_e | .26492811
rho | .43856575 (fraction of variance due to u_i)
This seems like an option that could be missed easily.