rlang - Working with Quosures

If you haven’t read programming with dplyr or tidy evaluation yet, definitely start there; they give an excellent overview of working with the tidy evaluation framework. This post aims to give a simple example of how to work with quasiquotation as implemented by rlang.

Imagine I want to create a domain specific language (DSL) for arithmetic. Let’s write two functions that I will use as verbs in this DSL.

add <- function(a, b) a + b
multiply <- function(a, b) a * b

Suppose I’m really interested in linear functions in general, and \(f(x) = 2x + 1\) specifically. Let’s take two different approaches to creating linear functions using these add() and multiply() verbs…

Closure Approach

One approach to creating linear functions is to use closures. “Operationally, a closure is a record storing a function together with an environment.” Let’s write a function to create new closures:

create_linear_closure <- function(slope, intercept) {
    function(x) {
        add(multiply(slope, x), intercept)

create_linear_closure() takes two parameters (slope and intercept) and returns a new anonymous function that takes one parameter (x) and returns the slope times x plus the intercept.

Let’s create a new closure and inspect it:

f <- create_linear_closure(slope = 2, intercept = 1)
## function(x) {
##         add(multiply(slope, x), intercept)
##     }
## <environment: 0x7f8d476ac758>

Notice that f has a function definition and an environment. The environment stores the value of the slope and intercept.

Finally, let’s evaluate the function f at \(x = 1\):

f(x = 1)
## [1] 3

Looking good!

Quosure Approach

How would one rewrite create_linear_closure() using the tidy evaluation framework?


create_linear_quosure <- function(slope, intercept) {
    quo(add(multiply(!!slope, x), !!intercept))

This new function takes two parameters (slope and intercept) and returns a quosure.

Let’s create a new quosure and inspect it:

f <- create_linear_quosure(slope = 2, intercept = 1)
## <quosure: local>
## ~add(multiply(2, x), 1)

Like a closure, a quosure has an expression and an environment. One nice aspect of this approach is the values of the slope and intercept have been unquoted in the expression (working with the closure in the previous section we would have to inspect its environment to see those values).

Finally, let’s evaluate f at \(x = 1\):

eval_tidy(f, list(x = 1))
## [1] 3



The tidy evaluation framework has three key components:

  1. Unquoting is done using the following functions and syntactic operators:

    • UQ() and !!
    • UQE()
    • UQS() and !!!.

    For more information see help(quasiquotation).

  2. Quoting is done using the following functions:

    • quo()
    • enquo()
    • quos()
    • new_quosure().

    See help(quosure) for more info.

  3. Evaluation is performed using eval_tidy(), see help(eval_tidy).

Writing this post helped me understand how to work with quosures (using all three components of the tidy evaluation framework). But, I’m not convinced it’s a great example of a domain specific language. If you have ideas for a better DSL example definitely let me know.